Registering A Trademark
Registering A Trademark

How to Register A Trademark
Trademarks are unique symbols to identify a product or company solely. It exclusively identifies a product as belonging to a specific company, also pointing out the company as the owner of the brand. Trademarks are a form of intellectual property; they include corporate logos, slogans, bands or brand name/ name of the product. Having trademarks prevent the use or pirating of a company’s or individual product without their permission. It also gives the company or individual the liberty to use, sell it to others or license it.
To be eligible to use a trademark, it is necessary to be either a company or an individual, although it can also be both. Furthermore, you must have a reason for your application. It is advisable to register a trademark as it helps safeguard the owners’ right.
Trademark registration takes a long time to get usually processed 7 to 8 months. It involves getting a trademark lawyer to help with the body’s application concerned with the trademark registration. Before the trademark registration process, it is vital to ensure that one has an eligible trademark to register. It could be any sign such as logos, colours, words or written phrases.
The processes involved include:
A form is provided for application, and it is required that one correctly fill in all information.
When dealing with technical areas, it is essential to employ the services of experts. One must take this step to ensure a valid registration and avoid errors. Usually, trademarks are filed directly by the government officials put in charge of such duty.
Within a particular period, your application is reviewed by IP (intellectual property) Australia. Upon evaluation, your application may either be approved or disapproved. When it is disapproved, you may raise objections. Once the application meets all the requirements, your trademark application would be accepted for registration. However, Australia does not usually have reasons for not approving a trademark application.
The acceptance of the trademark application is advertised on IP Australia's website, where it is opened for any objection from the public for two months. Although there are rare cases where such approval is challenged; you may raise a defence in your favour. It is advisable to also seek professional advice.
When the application is not challenged, the trademark passes the Australian intellectual property office issues the final approval and registration certificate. Once registered, such brand is backed up with legal rights to protect it from being stolen or used without permission.
- It builds value and trust among customers patronising the company giving room for recommendations of the brand.
- Legal protection protects the company from any irreparable damage that might cause the company to go into ruins.
- It helps differentiate companies with similar products from one another.
- Existing brand names and trademarks help distinguish the quality of companies' products and enable customers' specific options to choose between top-notch quality and competition (Including securing investors and franchise opportunities).